CPR Class Training

Saving Lives

One Class At a Time

Learn Basic Life-Saving Skills such as CPR/AED, Choke Saving, First Aid Emergencies, and more.

Why choose First Response?

Developed by the American Heart Association’s 2020 Resuscitation and Early Cardiovascular Care guidelines, our comprehensive sessions cover basic life-saving techniques for  CPR/AED, Choke Saving, First Aid for emergencies like Stroke and Heart Attack as well as bleeding emergencies and the use of a tourniquet. 

Personalized Sessions

Whether it’s a CPR/AED class, learning how to administer Narcan, or anything in between,  First Response can customize classes based on your group’s specific learning needs.

Experienced Instructors

Our lead instructor brings nearly 15 years of experience to the field.

With her expertise at the helm, we’ll leave you confident in life saving situations.

Classes in Comfort

Along with our customizable group classes,  First Response classes can be taught right from your home (space-providing) office, or even a third-party location of your choosing, creating a comfortable and engaging environment to learn!

Catherine was very polite, effective, and knowledgeable. Makes students feel at ease and is obviously very passionate about the subject! – Diane B.

What Group Classes are Available?

*Classes need to have a minimum of 6 participants



This CPR/AED course is geared for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs a course completion card in CPR/AED to meet regulatory requirements. (Certificate class)

In this class, students will learn how to respond to basic breathing and cardiac emergencies. 

$95 per person


Adult CPR/AED and First Aid Training

In addition to Adult CPR/AED and Choke Saving, this course trains participants how to identify and respond to some of the more common sudden illnesses such as Heart Attack, Stroke, Seizure & Diabetic Emergency. In addition, basic Environmental Emergencies are covered including Heat Stroke, Hypothermia, and Burns. (Certificate Class)

$105 per person

Variations of the Adult CPR/AED and/or First Aid training include: 

First Aid only course: $75 per person. (Non-certificate class)
Adult and Pediatric CPR/AED and First Aid: $120 per person. (Certificate Class)


Family and Friends CPR  

This American Heart Association course teaches the lifesaving skills of Adult, Child and Pediatric CPR with and without breaths, use of AED and  Choke Saving skills. Also Hand-Only CPR. (Non-certificate class.) 

$75 per person


Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers

Training that includes Healthcare Provider level skills such as 2-person CPR, pulse checks, bag valve mask use, and rescue breathing without compressions for people that have a pulse. Both initial and refresher courses are available. (Certificate Class)

$100 per person


Stop The Bleed

In a Stop The Bleed Course, participants will be taught three techniques to stop someone from bleeding out. These techniques include how to control the bleeding, tourniquet training, and more. Applying these techniques is critical when it comes to a potential life-saving situation. (Certificate Class)

$75 per person

Add-On Classes:

First Response offers a wide range of “Add-on” classes.

Blood Borne Pathogens

Tourniquet application 


Opioid Overdose

Each Add-on class:  $35 per class, except for Tourniquet Training and Blood Borne Pathogens at  $75 per class. 

Book Your Group Now →

What People Say About our founder

Catherine was incredibly knowledgeable and patient. I felt comfortable asking questions. She is truly a master of CPR!

Who do we teach?

At First Response, We Provide Group or 1:1 Training To a Diverse Group of Clients

Corporate Employee On-Site Training


Private one-on-one Training for those who need certification for work immediately

Real Estate, Restaurant, and Retail Employee Training 

Family, Friends, and Neighborhood Groups

Community Groups and Organizations

Ready to book your first group class?

There’s never been a more important time for you and your group of up to 12 to learn these skills than now; you never know when you are going to need to jump into action and help save a life.